Like a textbook formerly “gifted” ND child, one of my biggest flexes is that I’m a fast reader… to the average person anyway! It’s not unusual for me to read 10 books a month, and...
Most of us are no strangers to a vitamin aisle. You might be aware of the general idea of vitamins, and the poster boys like vitamin C and iron, but not quite understand what these...
Getting up early is a big drawback to adult life. It’s socially expected that I’m supposed to be up, dressed, and ready to face the day by 9am every single day. It’s not something I...
If you’ve ever encountered someone who regularly wears bright, distinctive clothing, they may well be ‘dopamine dressing’. Dopamine dressing is the act of wearing clothes that give you confidence, make you happy, and help you...
Have you ever heard the phrase ‘I don’t have enough spoons’? Those of us who live with long-term mental health conditions, neurodivergence, chronic illness, and some physical disabilities, may use spoon theory to describe how...
Why might some people self diagnose ADHD? While a medical diagnosis entitles you support and some services, self diagnosis of neurodivergence, including ADHD, is fairly common. I explore what the drawbacks of a self diagnosis...